Thank you to author Bill Kopp and Musoscribe Magazine for reviewing our next single: The Starman.
“With a title like ‘The Starman’, one might expect a song that bears a passing similarity to the music of the original Starman, David Bowie. And in fact that’s not too wide off the mark.”

Kopp Continues:
“Jiritano’s voice favors Mott the Hoople’s Ian Hunter more than the Thin White Duke, but the cool, swaggering and gritty streetwise vibe of Bowie’s early ‘70s work informs the music.”
“Jiritano’s sinewy lead guitar does recall Mick Ronson’s work, but, it sounds modern … or at least timeless.”
“Judicious use of Mellotrons and stacked vocal choruses help position Lord Sonny the Unifier with one foot firmly in the present, and the other on (shall we say) Mars.”
Hear it first!
Purchase ‘Right In Your I” on Bandcamp to immediately receive all 10 tracks, including “The Starman.”
See the original review on Muscoscribe
And BTW, which one’s Sonny?…Check out Bill Kopp’s recent book on Pink Floyd, published by Rowman & Littlefield. This exciting guide to Pink Floyd’s works from 1968 through 1973 highlights key innovations and musical breakthroughs of lasting influence. Kopp places Pink Floyd in its historical, cultural, and musical contexts while celebrating the test of fire that took the band from the brink of demise to enduring superstardom.